how to get rid of sunspots

Wondering How to Get Rid of Sunspots? (3 Treatments Dermatologists Recommend)

Sunspots are flat brown spots that can develop on your skin after sun exposure. They are also referred to as liver spots or solar lentigines. Anyone can get sunspots, but they are most common in people with fair skin and those over 40. There are numerous home remedies available on how to get rid of sunspots, but the most effective treatments are available through your dermatologist, like laser skin treatment.

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dermatologic surgeon examining mole

Need a Dermatologic Surgeon? (3 Common Reasons Surgical Dermatology is Required)

There are some instances when your dermatology concerns may require surgery, and like other medical specialties, a dermatologic surgeon has specific expertise to perform these surgeries.

A dermatologic surgeon is trained to perform both surgical and non-surgical procedures. You may be wondering what kind of skin conditions can lead to needing surgery. There are three common concerns that may need surgical dermatology care: skin cancer, moles, and other skin lesions.

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teledermatology visits at vujevich dermatology

Now Offering Virtual Teledermatology Visits at Vujevich Dermatology

Updated 7/2/21

At Vujevich Dermatology Associates our patients’ and employees’ safety are our top priority. We continue to closely monitor developments in the COVID-19 pandemic and follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Since our last COVID-19 update, we’ve made some additional office updates that we want our patients to be aware of.

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microneedling aftercare

Microneedling Aftercare 101: A Post-Treatment Guide

Maybe you’ve heard great things about microneedling but you’re still not sure what the process is and what microneedling aftercare looks like. Or, maybe you just had a microneedling procedure done and need a refresher on how to properly take care of your skin after this type of treatment. In both scenarios, you’ve come to the right place! Knowing and following the suggested microneedling aftercare instructions will help you reap all of the benefits of your treatment and keep your skin looking its best longer.

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Fever Blister vs Cold Sore: What’s the Difference and What To Do?

Can you name the difference between a fever blister vs a cold sore? You might not be able to. This is because they’re actually (almost) the same thing with different names. Fever blisters and cold sores are a group of small blisters that occur on the lip and/or around the mouth. The blisters can be painful and may break open, causing a clear liquid to ooze out. Without immediate treatment, fever blisters and cold sores can take 8-10 days to heal completely. They have the same cause but slightly different triggers. Let’s find out what that means.

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What is the Cost of CoolSculpting®? (And How to Know if the Procedure is Right for You)

**UPDATE: As of October 2024, Vujevich Dermatology Associates is no longer providing Coolsculpting services.  Please visit our main Cosmetic Dermatology page to see a full list of the current cosmetic services we provide.

CoolSculpting® is one of the most popular cosmetic dermatology procedures used to sculpt your body. How do you know CoolSculpting® is right for you? Does the cost of CoolSculpting® fit your budget? Your dermatologist will be able to give you the most personalized information. However, learning more about CoolSculpting® before your appointment will help you ask the right questions and make informed decisions.

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what is keratosis pilaris

What is Keratosis Pilaris and Does it Need to Be Treated?

What is keratosis pilaris? Keratosis pilaris is one of the most common pediatric skin conditions seen by dermatologists. The condition is caused by an excess of keratin. Keratin is a protein used to protect the skin from infections and other harmful things. The excess keratin plugs hair follicles, leading to sandpaper-like skin. The cause of keratin build-up is unknown. While keratosis pilaris is irritating, it is harmless.Continue reading