Atopic dermatitis in children is a very common skin condition. In fact, 10 to 20 percent of children are diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, with 65 percent of children showing symptoms before they turn one and 90 percent showing symptoms before they turn five. Continue reading
Does Microneedling Hurt? (What You Should Know)
Microneedling, a minimally invasive procedure used to improve your skin’s texture, continues to grow in popularity, but as its popularity grows, we see patients asking more and more questions like, “Does microneedling hurt?” and “Does microneedling hurt with numbing cream?” We understand that pain can dissuade some from a procedure, so we cover these questions and more in our blog.
Dermal Fillers Under Your Eyes: How Do They Work?
Using dermal fillers under your eyes is a common way to help reduce the appearance of dark circles and bags. In fact, dermal fillers, also known as facial fillers, are the second most common cosmetic procedure in the United States. While most people tend to think of lip filler when they think of facial fillers, there are many uses for dermal fillers. Today we’ll focus on dermal fillers for the under eye area. Continue reading
Causes of Psoriasis: What Triggers This Condition?
Although psoriasis affects more than 7.5 million people in the United States, we’re still often asked, “What is psoriasis?” and “What are the causes of psoriasis?” Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply 10 times faster than necessary, leading to a build up that causes bumpy red patches with scaly white skin. As for the causes of psoriasis? Keep reading to find out.Continue reading
5 Common Skin Infections in Children Parents Should Know
At some point or another, all parents may deal with skin infections in children. Whether it’s your own children or the children of a loved one, you’ll want to know what signs and symptoms to look for and when it’s time to seek care from a pediatric dermatologist. So let’s start with reviewing the most common types of skin infections in children.Continue reading
How Does a Chemical Peel Work?
Even though chemical peels are one of the most requested cosmetic dermatology treatments, we’re often asked, How does a chemical peel work? Learn more about the chemical peel process, what the treatment does, and more in this blog.Continue reading
7 Botox Uses (And Some That May Surprise You)
While most commonly known for reducing the appearance of wrinkles, there are many common Botox uses that you may not know about. But before we discuss the many uses of Botox and its benefits, let’s review what Botox is.
Laser Treatment for the Face: Benefits, Treated Conditions, and More
Laser treatment for the face is a common cosmetic procedure used to smooth your complexion and reduce the appearance of many skin conditions. In this blog, we’ll go over the laser treatment benefits, the side effects, and more for your skin.Continue reading
Does CoolSculpting Really Work?
**UPDATE: As of October 2024, Vujevich Dermatology Associates is no longer providing Coolsculpting services. Please visit our main Cosmetic Dermatology page to see a full list of the current cosmetic services we provide.
When patients ask, “Does CoolSculpting really work?,” we tell them more than 8 million CoolSculpting procedures have been performed worldwide. It’s one of the most used procedures for body sculpting, proving it’s an effective procedure used for fat reduction. Let’s go into more detail about what CoolSculpting is and why it works.Continue reading
Seeing Brown Spots After Sunburn? (What You Should Know)
Many people notice they develop brown spots after sunburn once they turn 50, but you don’t have to be 50 to develop sunspots on your skin. Brown spots, also known as age spots or liver spots, are a sign you’ve been exposed to the sun too often and your skin is attempting to protect itself from more sun damage. So if you spend a lot of time in the sun, you may notice these dark spots developing earlier than following your 50th birthday.Continue reading