
What is the Cost of CoolSculpting®? (And How to Know if the Procedure is Right for You)

CoolSculpting® is one of the most popular cosmetic dermatology procedures used to sculpt your body. How do you know CoolSculpting® is right for you? Does the cost of CoolSculpting® fit your budget? Your dermatologist will be able to give you the most personalized information. However, learning more about CoolSculpting® before your appointment will help you ask the right questions and make informed decisions.

CoolSculpting® Overview

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive procedure that eliminates pockets of stubborn fat through controlled cooling. During the weeks following your appointment, these targeted fat cells die through a process called cryolipolysis. CoolSculpting® has long-term effects since the treated fat cells are eliminated.

What is the cost of CoolSculpting®?

The cost of CoolSculpting® individualized treatment plans can range from $2,000-$5,000. However, your personal cost of CoolSculpting® will be determined after a consultation with your dermatologist based on the areas being targeted and the number of treatments required.

The more areas you are looking to have treated, the more the cost of CoolSculpting® will increase. It is uncommon to see the best results after one treatment. Most areas will need two sessions spaced eight weeks apart to see full results. Your CoolSculpting® coordinator will work with your goals and budget to create the best plan for you.

CoolSculpting® vs Other Procedures

There are similar body sculpting procedures, such as SculpSure, so why is CoolSculpting® the right choice? When comparing CoolSculpting® vs SculpSure there are a few important differences to be aware of. CoolSculpting® is used to treat nine areas of the body, while SculpSure is only approved for five areas. CoolSculpting® has been FDA-cleared since 2010 – six years before SculpSure became FDA-cleared.

Since CoolSculpting® has been FDA-cleared for almost a decade, numerous clinical trials have been conducted – proving the results of CoolSculpting® with little to no long-term side effects. Additionally, the cost of CoolSculpting®, even with price variances based on location and services, is generally 25% less than SculpSure treatments.

How do you know if CoolSculpting® is right for you?

CoolSculpting® is highly effective for men and women who are within 30 pounds of their ideal body weight but can’t seem to lose that last bit of body fat. CoolSculpting® can be done whether you have had cosmetic procedures in the past or not.

Tell your dermatologist if you have a history of hernia, recent surgeries, or allergies. You should not have CoolSculpting® procedures done if you have a history of cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin diseases, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. If you want to see if CoolSculpting® is right for you, take a short quiz to see if you’re a candidate.

Are you interested in scheduling a free CoolSculpting® consultation? Schedule an appointment with our CoolSculpting® trained and board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Christie Regula, to create your individualized treatment plan.

Vujevich Dermatology Associates offers medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology from some of the most highly trained physicians and clinicians in the greater Pittsburgh area.  You can reach our team at 412-429-2570 or visit our contact page to see all of our locations. You can also follow us on Facebook to see what’s new in the world of dermatology.

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